When I was in college, I used to work the graveyard shift as a security guard. Besides having to wear polyester pants (not flattering for my body type) and the constant delirium of sleep deprivation, it was a pretty sweet gig.
One of the best parts of the job (besides the nightly trip to Jack in the Box for dollar tacos) was playing flash games in the break room. Divine Intervention was one of my favorite games from that time, and I spent a solid week of my lunches trying to kill that huge flying-trash-monster thing at the end of the second level. Anyway, this game is awesome. You will love it.
Reasons that Divine Intervention kicks ass:
1. You are a priest with an uzi that kills zombies. Go ahead and read that sentence again.
2. You can shoot that annoying little guy in a white suit who gives you the gun upgrade at the end of the first level. For some reason I always found that satisfying.
3. There is a flying-trash-monster
Don't play this at work or school, as it is insanely violent. Unless your work is cool with that kind of stuff, in which case, bravo on your career choices.
Click here to play Divine Intervention. The game is hosted at the incredible www.newgrounds.com