There has been a big increase in the amount of comments on the last few weeks, and though I love each and every comment that has been posted (Author's note: yes, even the ones that creeped me out) I want to recognize D.J Fitz for his blog commenting brilliance. Enjoy:
You give me inspiration and hope. I've been working on publishing a book on original cat jokes. So far my manuscript has approx. 15 pages worth of serious A-Class orginal material. It's all family friendly. This has been a work in progress for the last 7 years. I had to scratch a lot of the jokes after the musical cats fell off the mainstream radar. I think in another 6 months i will be ready to shop this around. What are your suggestions for me? I want to get published and maybe someday also win an award. Can you help? Will you pass this on to your agent? Can we do lunch?
D.J. Fitz
Bravo, D.J. Bravo.
I'm not going to send this to my agent, and no, we can't have lunch together, but D.J, I'm going to do something even better for you: I'm going to wield the collective power of to get you some cat jokes.
Readers, let's help D.J. finish this book. Submit your favorite cat jokes in the comments. And yes, there will be prizes.
Second runner up: A personalized certificate of achievement.
First runner up: A personalized certificate of achievement AND your joke will be posted on
The cat joke champion: A personalized certificate of achievement AND your joke will be read by Ben Esch on
Note: The winners will be determined by Ben Esch, and anyone else desperate enough to serve as a celebrity judge. Also, does anyone know any celebrities?