Hey readers,
I’ve never really reviewed anything before, and to be perfectly honest, I don’t really feel all that comfortable starting. I’ve had Sophomore Undercover out there for about a month now, and the reviews have ranged from the very complementary to the uhh…opposite of that.
And that’s cool. I didn’t write my book for the reviews. Oh no. I wrote it because I wanted to give the world the greatest gift of all. The gift of laughter.
Also, I get paid. And pretty much anything that keeps me from real work is A okay with me.
That being said, today I would like to start a new segment on the blog: The Dictionary Test.
Let me show you how the Dictionary Test works:
The Dictionary Test: Would I rather watch/read/eat X or have someone hit me in the junk with a dictionary?
It’s a pretty simple standard of measurement, but I think it works just as well as stars or thumbs up or whatever . Let’s give it a whirl.
The Dictionary Test #1--Rachel Getting Married
DOES NOT pass The Dictionary Test.
And it doesn't pass The Dictionary Test by a pretty huge margin. Like, I’d even use one of those ginormous dictionaries they keep on stands in the libraries if it meant I’d get those two hours of my life back.
Wow. That movie was a bummer. I guess it looked good and everybody acted well and Anne Hathaway is hot in a pale, junky sort of way (author’s note: not too many women can pull this look off), but I’ve picked up a kernel of knowledge or two over years and I feel pretty confident saying this: any movie with a ten minute scene about loading the dishwasher is going to suck.
Man...sorry I got so negative there. It's just that dishwasher scene really got me fired up. I think I need to do some push ups or something.