Longtime friend, freestyle rap opponent, and dixienguyen.com reader Stephen Hart just got his first short story published. And it is effing awesome.
Click here to read "Reflections" by Stephen Hart. Seriously, click over. You won't regret it.
Now, I love Steve's story, and I'm happy that he's being recognized for his writing, but I still have one little bone to pick.
My bone to pick: Since his story came out two months before "Sophomore Undercover," Stephen Hart is now the first published writer from our high school class.
So way to go Steve. You've stolen my thunder yet again. I suppose I should be used to this by now.
Things that Stephen Hart has stolen from me:
1. Literary glory.
2. The prestigious "Sonora High Most Inspirational Athlete" award. (Author's note: I was ridiculously inspirational. Next to vertical leap, being inspirational was my strongest attribute as a basketball player)
3. Heidi Chung in 7th grade.
And though I'll never forgive him for stealing Heidi, I would like to present Stephen Hart with the third ever "dixienguyen.com person of the week" for writing excellence.
Author's note: That is Steve. And yes, he is actually that adorable in real life.
Send nominations for the person of the week to [email protected]