I listen to music when I write.
Specifically, I listen to the Ratatat CD “The Classics” when I write. Every time that I write. For the past two years.
I love this video on so many levels
Now, I realize this sounds pretty weird (Author’s note: Actually, it sounds weird to an uncomfortable degree. Like, if anyone else told me they did this, I’d be a hundred percent certain they had a human skin suit or something equally creepy in their closet. So, just so everyone knows, I don’t do anything like that. I swear. I just really like Ratatat. Cool? Don’t call the FBI. Everything’s great.)
But I’m going to keep listening to this same Ratatat CD, because I think it makes me write better.
And this leads me to my number one rule of writing:
1. Don’t question the magic, or it might go away.
I believe that CD has magic that makes me a better writer, and I’m going to keep riding that out until I don’t believe it anymore.
And if you think something makes you write better, you should keep rolling with that, too.
And that’s my advice.
Author's note: Disregard this advice if you think your magic is alcohol or drugs. Seriously, that alcoholic writer shit hasn't been cool since Hemingway.