I really like Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' graphic novel "Watchmen."
In fact, let's let the great Tracy Morgan explain my feelings vis a vis "Watchmen."
Now, just replace "cornbread" with "Watchmen," and "take it behind the middle school and get it pregnant" with "take it behind the middle school and get it pregnant" and you have a pretty good idea of how I feel about this book.
And it's pretty well established how much I love promotional video games.
So, today was pretty awesome when I found out that they just released a promotional watchmen game that plays pretty much exactly like Double Dragon on the old NES.
Here is the link for the game. Have some fun, guys.
You know, as much as I love the first Sophomore Undercover video game, this has raised the bar pretty high for a follow up effort. These guys already took the Double Dragon homage, but do you have any other ideas?
Leave any thoughts in the comments. I think I'm leaning toward a Super Mario Brothers or Willow (author's note: playing Willow for the old school NES was possibly the highlight of my childhood. And yes, I realize how sad that sounds) but I'm pretty much open to anything 8 bit.