Hello readers,
Well, we've had a good run with www.dixienguyen.com, but change is a part of life, and this website shall heretofore be known as www.benjaminesch.com.
Now, what does this change mean for you?
1. Why did you change the name?
Because my agent told me to, and he's really smart.
2. Any other reasons?
Well, spelling "nguyen" tripped up quite a few people, and supposedly making people feel illiterate doesn't really help them get into the proper "book buying" mind set.
3. Are you sure you just didn't want a website named after you?
Yeah, well...that is pretty cool, actually.
4. But why isn't the website www.benesch.com, then?
Because www.benesch.com belongs to an architectural firm in the midwest...and they have quite a deal more money than I do.
5. What about all the stuff you had on dixienguyen.com? Did it all disappear into the abyss of the internet or something?
No need to panic. All the old stuff on dixienguyen.com is now on benjaminesch.com. Even the old Michael Jackson videos. This website transfer was a professional operation. (Author's note: well, at least everything will be moved over eventually. We're still working out a few kinks, but seriously, everything's going to be cool. You don't need to leave me for anothe author website. This is just a small bump in the road, I promise. We're going to be stronger because of this. I just know it).
6. When are you going to announce the winner of the cat joke contest.
Soon. But let's stay on task here.
7. What happens if I type in dixienguyen.com?
Well, you're supposed to be magically transported to benjaminesch.com somehow, but that still hasn't worked out quite right because the internet is confusing. Anyway, it should get fixed real soon.
Welcome to the new benjaminesch.com. I promise the exact same caliber of jackassery as the old website. Just with a slightly easier to spell name.
According to Google analytics, dixienguyen.com is huge in Norway. HUGE! Author's note: this is an actual Norwegian. In an effort to bring entertainment to you, the reader, I am going to start posting some of the videos that I find on youtube. But, since this is a classy website, I'm going to make a couple promises about the type of video to be posted on dixienguyen.com
Author's note: Garfield makes everything better. Please send video suggestions to [email protected] So, in addition to writing award winning short fiction and taking adorable pictures with a black lab, Stephen Hart also finds time in his busy schedule for a refreshing set of dolphin push ups.
There’s still a few free copies of Sophomore Undercover available to dixienguyen.com readers. All the details are here. This man wants you have to have a free book. I've been thinking about reviews quite a bit the last few days. Los Angeles Lakers coach Phil Jackson said: "New Year's Eve is amateur night and resolutions are for fools." Phil Jackson is this guy
Longtime friend, freestyle rap opponent, and dixienguyen.com reader Stephen Hart just got his first short story published. And it is effing awesome. Author's note: That is Steve. And yes, he is actually that adorable in real life.
It's pretty well established that we're big fans of writer/illustrator/Incredible Hulk imitator Adam Rex here at dixienguyen.com. Click on the image for full sized hilarity.
Little known fact: Adam Rex made those puppets using only a bar of soap and positive thoughts. Suzanne asked: Do writers get groupies? This guy gets way more chicks than John Green. |
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